Slaves of the Jesuits in the Memorials of the Province of Paraguay (XVIII Century)


  • Jorge Troisi Melean Emory University



The expulsion of the Hispanic territories surprised the Jesuits in a virtual reliance on a large population of African slaves. Towards 1767, more than 3,500 Afro-Americans were working in the Colleges and properties of the Company in Colonial Argentina. The slaves constituted an essential factor of the Jesuit system. Almost a 30% of the Jesuit capital in the region was invested in them. With the purpose of administering that important mass of slaves, the Jesuits applied a coherent and methodical system that is largely reflected in their Memoriales, the specific orders and suggestions that the Jesuit Provincials elaborated in their personal visits to each College, approximately every three years. Mandatory read for the community, the Memoriales were conceived to include all the activities that were carried out, spiritual as well as material. Written in the same places where the difficulties and problems aroused, they reflected the daily life in Jesuit Colleges and properties. Based on the study of Memoriales of Paraguay, written during the first half of 18 Century, I analyze in this work the main guidelines of the Jesuit slavery policy, particularly with respect to conditions of life and disciplinary control.


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Author Biography

Jorge Troisi Melean, Emory University


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How to Cite

Troisi Melean, J. (2004). Slaves of the Jesuits in the Memorials of the Province of Paraguay (XVIII Century). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (4), 95–106.


