The influence of relational networks on the mechanisms of spatial settlement: residence patterns of three Italian migratory groups in the city of Mar del Plata, 1945-1960


  • Bettina Alejandra Favero Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



italian immigration, postwar period, Mar del Plata, spatial establishment, relation networks


This article presents the spatial analysis of the establishment of three Italian migratory groups arrived at Mar del Plata city after the Second World War. To it, is added the observation of the relation networks' behavior and its influence in the constitution of the residential guidelines through which it is possible to establish the segregation or social integration degrees and the emergent forms of sociability of the Italian immigrants in the marplatense society in the decade of 1950. Due to it, is made a spatial analysis of the establishments of Vedelago, Duronia and Acireale that articulates with the observation of the relation networks' behavior and its influence in the decision to be based in certain areas. Also, the residential guidelines of these groups are compared with the establishment practices of originating immigrants of the regions that these communes comprise: Veneto, Molise and Sicily, to be able in that way, to confront a establishment model of micro scale with another one of intermediate degree. 


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Author Biography

Bettina Alejandra Favero, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


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How to Cite

Favero, B. A. (2009). The influence of relational networks on the mechanisms of spatial settlement: residence patterns of three Italian migratory groups in the city of Mar del Plata, 1945-1960. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (6), 81–104.


