Beyond regulation. National and Provincial Policies on Wine Issues, 1935-1946


  • María Silvia Ospital Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



wine making, regulation, consumption, publicity


The policies that were employed in Argentina in order to overcome the consequences of the 1930 crisis were made operative, in the case of agrarian and agro-industrial activities, through production and commerce public regulation. The office that was created relative to wine production was the Wine Regulation Board, which started to function in 1935. As the regulations coming from the aforementioned national office were put into practice, local authorities and private enterprises also made use of various practices intended to diminish the nastiest effects of the crisis and to relocate the agro industry both in the local and national market. This paper intends to perform and study of the assemblage of those policies, which included advertisement campaigns in favor of the consumption of national wine, advice on improving wines quality various attempts at rationalizing the production method; as well as the creation of a "mythology" associated to the growing of grape and the elaboration of wine, with the establishment of the "Fiesta de la Vendimia". The consumer market, the organization of the production and the development of consensus were the areas of activity of both businessmen and public servants.


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Author Biography

María Silvia Ospital, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


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How to Cite

Ospital, M. S. (2009). Beyond regulation. National and Provincial Policies on Wine Issues, 1935-1946. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (6), 223–238.


