At the bottom of the colonial administration: guards and receivers of the Royal Treasury. Salta, XVIII century


  • Bárbara Aramendi Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Centro de Promoción de las Investigaciones en Historia y Antropología Universidad Nacional de Salta



administration, collection, officers, Royal Finance


With the present work we face the study of the imperial administrative Spanish organization across the analysis of a sector of the Royal Finance in a peripheral area since it was Salta. The study of punctual sectors of the administration in local spaces like that it us concerns, contributes to a deeper comprehension of the imperial organization and across her of the Ancient Régime in general. We focus our interest in the base structure of the Royal Finance in consideration of which up to the moment there are no studies that realize of this sector, which though it has been forgotten by the historiography, constituted a fundamental gear in the functioning of the fiscal device. Great part of the interest of this work resides in that it enters sectors occupied by persons who did not concern to the elite and on whose shoulders there was relapsing the first link of the fiscal collection.


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Author Biography

Bárbara Aramendi, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Centro de Promoción de las Investigaciones en Historia y Antropología Universidad Nacional de Salta


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How to Cite

Aramendi, B. (2009). At the bottom of the colonial administration: guards and receivers of the Royal Treasury. Salta, XVIII century. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (9), 183–197.


