Historical sense of the ideological articulation between the noble Incas of Cusco and the colonial authorities: the historization of the image of the Incas.


  • Hidefuji Someda Universidad de Kansai Gaidai




Incas, Incas by privilege, alférez real, purity of blood


It is well known that Guamán Poma called himself the descendant of the Inca dynasty by the maternal line, while categorically criticized the religious policy of the Cusco State and repeatedly mentioned with a spiteful tone that the title of the “inca” had nothing of importance in the pre-Hispanic Andean society. In this paper I intended to scrutinise the historical background of the insistence of the Indian chronicler and clarify the historical sense of the transformation of the image of the Incas in new colonial society.


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Author Biography

Hidefuji Someda, Universidad de Kansai Gaidai


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How to Cite

Someda, H. (2009). Historical sense of the ideological articulation between the noble Incas of Cusco and the colonial authorities: the historization of the image of the Incas. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (9), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.52885/2683-9164.v0.n9.23169


