Real and False Veterans. Analysis of the definitions of "ex-combatant/veteran of war" of the members of the Falkland Naval Station in the South Atlantic Conflict.


  • Andrea Belén Rodríguez Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional del Sur Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Malvinas war, identities, hierarchizations, Apostadero Naval Malvinas


Since the Malvinas war’s end until present, the definitions of the war veteran/ex-combatant identity have been different depending on the social actor, space and time that we study. The State, the Armed Forces, the public opinion, the war veterans, those who demand being recognized as veterans, have established different boundaries of the social group recognized and legitimated for its participation in war, and that resulted in conflicts and violent clashes between the different sectors. In the present article, we address how the Apostadero Naval Malvinas members’ -a naval logistics unit that was set up for the conflict and existed until its end- define the war veteran/ex-combatant identity, using oral sources. Also, we analyze the hierarchizations that go through these identity constructions depending on the experience, space and time parameters.


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Author Biography

Andrea Belén Rodríguez, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional del Sur Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, A. B. (2010). Real and False Veterans. Analysis of the definitions of "ex-combatant/veteran of war" of the members of the Falkland Naval Station in the South Atlantic Conflict. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (10), 303–323.


