The Neighbourhood: a constitutive dimension in the construction of territorial citizenship. Contributions from a case study. Neighbourhood participatory practices in Rio Cuarto (20th century)


  • Celia Basconzuelo Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto



neighborhood, practices, participation, neighborhoods


The aim of this paper is to analyze participatory practices deployed neighbors from the barrios of Rio Cuarto, in the first half of the 20th century, not only for the purpose of clarifying an aspect of the social history of the town of Cordoba South, but with the aim of raising, in connection with the problem of construction of citizenship, the contribution of the neighborhood, with its scope and its potentialities. In the raised objective reason, this article makes its approach together articulating theoretical perspectives and historical analysis: the conceptual framework provided by political theory, with regard to the constituent elements of citizenship, and on the other, from social history with the analysis of participatory practices undertaken by the protagonists of the time.


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Author Biography

Celia Basconzuelo, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto


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How to Cite

Basconzuelo, C. (2010). The Neighbourhood: a constitutive dimension in the construction of territorial citizenship. Contributions from a case study. Neighbourhood participatory practices in Rio Cuarto (20th century). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (10), 247–260.


