An Approach to the Fundamentals of State Terrorism in Argentina: The Reception of the Notion of "Revolutionary War" in the Local Military Sphere (1954-1962)


  • Mario Ranalletti Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero



revolutionary warfare, State terrorism, Argentina, 1954/1962


This article studies the reception of the French notion of “revolutionary warfare” by the Argentine Armed Forces. In the first part a brief review of his content and evolution in his original context. Next, the question of the local implantation of this notion is approached, emphasizing his diffusion channels. Finally, some precisions are contributed on the map course followed by this notion in Argentina, specially, to their incidence in the analysis and interpretation of the social unrest and the political violence during the chosen period.


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Author Biography

Mario Ranalletti, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero


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How to Cite

Ranalletti, M. (2011). An Approach to the Fundamentals of State Terrorism in Argentina: The Reception of the Notion of "Revolutionary War" in the Local Military Sphere (1954-1962). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (11), 261–278.


