Reflections on an itinerary of memory in the city of Santa Fe


  • Silvia Dejon Centro de Estudios Sociales Interdisciplinarios del Litoral Universidad Nacional del Litoral



territorial matrixes memories, places of memory, local memories


In the city of Santa Fe, from the interventions of the state agencies by setting ways of remembering around a type of memory on State terrorism, there are other places of memory who take relevance beyond the traditional acts of March 24 in the afternoon. What we intend to analyze is part of the local memories, claim that drink in inquire in regional areas where laying down places memories that instituted footsteps beyond the paradigmatic examples of the large cities such as is the case of ESMA in Buenos Aires or the Holocaust Museum in Berlin. In this paper we conduct an analysis of a journey made by three territorial markings on stage Santa Fe at 35 years of civil-military coup, two of them erected since the year 2011, which postulated as alternative as its central feature was the absence of municipal and provincial governments as a participant in your organization. We seek an analysis of three brands of memory territorial. This feature of options is because on one hand, two are organized from the group H.I.J.O.S. Santa Fe Regional (part of the Human Rights Movement) and partly because attempts to counteract the institutionalization of memory provincial government official.


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How to Cite

Dejon, S. (2012). Reflections on an itinerary of memory in the city of Santa Fe. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (12), 261–276.


