The Secret Report to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the official perspective of the Argentine Communist Party. Reception and first repercussions


  • Víctor Augusto Piemonte Universidad de Buenos Aires



Communist Party of Argentina, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, secret speech, stalinism


The aim of this article is to inquire about the first interpretations of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) on the subject of the Khrushchev’s report on February 25, 1956. Stalin’s death was marked as an opportunity from which the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (PCUS) should break with the logic inherent in the cult of personality and could recover the “purity” of Marxism-Leninism. The criticism to the “excesses” of mature Stalinism and the reforms in the early part of the process of “de-Stalinization”, generated a number of debates and reflection within the international communist movement. The central issues addressed in the XX Congress of the PCUS could not be obviated by the PCA, and the treatment given to them by the latter are the subject of analysis of this study.


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Author Biography

Víctor Augusto Piemonte, Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Piemonte, V. A. (2018). The Secret Report to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the official perspective of the Argentine Communist Party. Reception and first repercussions. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (13), 223–241.


