The monastic community as synonymous with wisdom and holiness: the cenobites and the monastic rule of Isidore of Seville (7th century)


  • Renan Frighetto Universidade Federal do Paraná Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico



Late Antiquity, monasticism, coenobitism, Isidore of Seville


The forms of Christian monastic life were widely extended during the Late Antiquity (II/VIII centuries) in the Mediterranean world. Among the existing rules in the context of the Visigothic kingdom (VI/VII centuries), in this study we aim to emphasize the monastic rule of Isidore of Seville, one of the most noticeable figures of the history of the Visigothic Hispania. Based on the Isidorian rule, this article seeks to find the elements available in the Bishop of Seville’s work, which allow the characterization of the binomial monks/uiri sancti according to the coenobitical perspective, and recognized by the ecclesiastical hierarchies.


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Author Biography

Renan Frighetto, Universidade Federal do Paraná Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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How to Cite

Frighetto, R. (2014). The monastic community as synonymous with wisdom and holiness: the cenobites and the monastic rule of Isidore of Seville (7th century). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (14), 145–155.


