The end of emigration from Hispania in the Late Antique period. A problem of mobility, identity or sources?


  • María Cristina de la Escosura Balbás Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



immigration, Hispania, epigraphy, origo


Since the Republic, Hispania was the point of departure and destination of all kind of migrations which have been unequally reflected in ancient sources. While literary ones mention specific sorts or groups more than real persons, epigraphy offers us hundreds of succinct and biased personal stories. A study on the epigraphy recorded in the ancient Italic, Galic and Britanic territories has been carried out in order to determine the characteristics of Hispanic immigration, whose high point took place in the 2nd century AD. The researching is focused on the place of origin of those immigrants whose mentions of origo, natione, domicilium, and ethnic cognomina has been taken into account. From the more than 200 inscriptions considered, only twelve can be dated in the 3rd century AD and one in the 4th. This article will explore the Hispanic immigration outlook and the change which takes place in it from the 3rd century AD.


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How to Cite

de la Escosura Balbás, M. C. (2016). The end of emigration from Hispania in the Late Antique period. A problem of mobility, identity or sources?. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (16), 41–51.


