
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original and unpublished, that is, it has not been published in any other academic journal (physical or electronic). If the article has been published in working papers, personal or institutional websites, memoirs of events (proceedings not published in other academic journals), etc., it has been mentioned as a footnote on the presentation page and the link has been indicated, if possible, where it is published.

  • The article is not in the process of being evaluated by another journal nor will it be postulated until the final result of the evaluation is obtained by refereeing or arbitration of Actualidad Económica.

  • The authors undertake to assume collective responsibility for the work presented and published. The authors know and approve the version that will finally be published.

  • The article does not exceed 12500 words in total (includes bibliography, graphs, tables and annexes). The article should be sent in Word format; sheet size A4, the use of Times New Roman font, size 11, 1.5 line spacing, symmetrical margins of 1.25 cm. The minimum recommended length is 3000 words.

  • The first page of the article contains: (a) the title of the paper, in Spanish and English, (b) an analytical summary (including objective, methodology and most important result), in Spanish and English (approximately 150 words), (c) with key words in Spanish and English (between three and five), (d) where possible, classification code JEL and (e)Affiliation and contact email address of at least one author, which will be published in the article. Additionally, you may include information such as acknowledgements, funding sources, etc.

  • The format APA (6th ed) has been followed for the presentation of bibliographical references.  

  • The authors are aware of and accept the editorial policies of Actualidad Económica magazine. For more information, please consult the journal's Editorial Policy.


Author Guidelines 

Rules for submissions

1) The papers can be articles (theoretical or empirical research reports) or essays (reflections on aspects of the economy). These works sent for publication must be original and unpublished and carried out in Spanish.

2) The work must be sent only to Actualidad Económica. The article should not be under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. The work will not be submitted anywhere else while it is being evaluated.

3) It should be sent to the e-mail address, writing in "Subject" : "Artículo para Actualidad Económica". Alternatively, they can be sent through this same page, after registering in the "online submissions" hyperlink.

4) The presentation of the works will be on A4 sheet, Times New Roman 11 fonts, with 1.5 line spacing, and with a header and footer of 1.25 cm. The total length of the papers should not exceed approximately 12,000 to 12,500 words (about 20 pages, including tables and graphs), although a shorter maximum length is desirable. In turn, the minimum size recommended will be about 3,000 words (about 10 pages). In this extension, we reiterate, tables, figures, bibliographical references, annexes, etc. are included. The acceptance of works of lesser length is at the discretion of the Director and the Editorial Committee.

5) Each paper must be preceded by a first page containing (a) the title of the paper, in Spanish and English, (b) an abstract in Spanish and English (approximately 150 words), (c) with key words in Spanish and English (between two and five), (d) when possible, classification code JEL and (e) contact email address, at least of one author, which will be published in the article.

6) The Bibliographic References will go at the end of the article under the heading Bibliographic References, ordered alphabetically by author according to the following style (APA 6th ed). For a journal article: Last name, first initial(s). (year). Article title. Journal name (italics), Volume (Number), page range. Example: Stigler, G.(1961). The Economics of Information, Jounal of Political Economy, Vol.69,N 3.  For a book: Surname, first initial(s) (year). Title (# ed., vol.). City of publication: Publisher. . Example: Graff, J. de V.(1967). Theory of welfare economy, Ed. Amorrortu, Buenos Aires.

7) If necessary, footnotes will be used, which will be numbered correlatively and flown over the text. The format will be simple space, in Times New Roman 9 font.

8) Tables, figures, maps, etc. may or may not be inserted in the text, at the author's discretion. As far as possible, they should be editable objects of Microsoft Office. They will be of sufficient quality for reproduction and must be accompanied by a sufficiently explanatory title and their respective sources. Tables, figures, etc. should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1...). Tables and figures should be included as editable objects, so that they can be formatted (not pasted as images).

9) Mathematical formalities should be reduced as much as possible; and, as far as possible, they should be avoided. However, if these technical means are used, they should be placed in an Appendix at the end; and very briefly in a footnote. All of this is so that the reader can access the article or essay without having to read the formalizations used.

10) All the works received will be sent to arbitration by external collaborators who are not part of our editorial team and our institution, as well as being read by the Management and/or members of the Editorial Committee for the purpose of possible suggestions. The editorial coordination will send in all cases to the authors of the works submitted to arbitration a communication with the editorial decision taken regarding the work, clearly indicating the reasons that have led to the conduct of the journal, based on the arbitration to decide its publication, rejection or modification.

11) The submission of articles for publication implies full knowledge and acceptance of the editorial policy and the rules of presentation and evaluation of works in Actualidad Económica. For more information about the open access policy, copyright, privacy statement and others, please consult the Editorial Policy


Contributions to the article section must comply with the rules for submission of papers and with the rules and editorial policy of the journal.

Make a new submission to the Articles section.

Privacy Statement 

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.