Periodization in Prehistory, Transition and the History of Economic Thougt in Latin America: an Expanded View


  • Melisa J. Luc Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Departamento de Economía y Finanzas (Argentina)


History of Economic Thought, Latin America, economic debates, periodisation


This paper intends to make an extended periodization of the economic discussions that have taken place in Latin America throughout its history. The work proposal is ambitious, however, it starts with the periodization that Oreste Popescu elaborated and it will be expanded and modified. We still have to work on the training of Latin American economists, not only due to the lack of knowledge they have about the region but also due to the lack of knowledge they have about the economic debates that have taken place. This is an approach and a provocation to start discussing these issues.


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How to Cite

Luc, M. J. (2022). Periodization in Prehistory, Transition and the History of Economic Thougt in Latin America: an Expanded View. Actualidad Económica, 32(107), 39–54. Retrieved from