Good governance, fiscal state and good fiscal governance


  • Miguel Angel Asensio Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF), Observatorio Fiscal Federal (OFIF), Fundación Dos Siglos (F2S), Instituto de Federalismo de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba (IFANDCSC) (Argentina)


Good government, Tax state, Fiscal good government


It is examined the relationship between the generic idea of good government with the specific of fiscal good government, not ommiting to allude to the tax state. The first one encloses great value not only political, social or historical but was reflected in artistic masterpieces which have contributed to its expression and dissemination. The second is exemplifiesd with a long evolution captured for the economic history, which collects the transformation overtime of fiscal institutions and procedures that like the former must be convivial with the evolution and human progress.


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How to Cite

Good governance, fiscal state and good fiscal governance . (2024). Actualidad Económica, 34(113), 17-26.