The Role of Energy Efficiency Policies in the Argentine Republic and its importance in the Paris Agreement Decarbonization Process


  • Maximiliano Camarda Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad (CONICET y UNC), Comisión de Eficiencia Energética del Comité de Energías Córdoba (Argentina)


Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency Program, Energy Transition, Paris Agreement, Sustainable Economic Development


More than one hundred and fifty years of anthropogenic emissions have managed to submerge the world in the depths of a great ocean of climate crisis. In this context, energy efficiency policies in the Argentine Republic, in a process of decarbonization of the economy consistent with the Paris Agreement, turn out to be an essential instrument for every government. In this analysis, we refer to the national and international background of energy efficiency, and its importance in the field of the economics of climate change. Finally, we list the key sectors that will allow us to contribute to the rational and efficient use of energy, and the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals by the year 2030. From a public policy approach, energy efficiency constitutes a flexible instrument to carry out a holistic approach to the multiple problems that a country faces, such as climate change, industrial competitiveness, sustainable economic development and energy security.

Reception date: 11/11/2020

Acceptance date: 03/12/2020


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How to Cite

The Role of Energy Efficiency Policies in the Argentine Republic and its importance in the Paris Agreement Decarbonization Process. (2021). Actualidad Económica, 31(105), 23-36.