Comments on the book by Alfredo Félix Blanco “Las ideas de los grandes economistas. Breve historia del pensamiento económico”


  • Alfredo Visintini Profesor Consulto de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)


History, Economic ideas, Economic Analysis


The purpose of this work is to carry out an analysis of book written by Alfredo Felix Blanco,” Ideas of the great economists, A brief history of economic thought”. The purpose of the comments made here is to provide a synthetic view of the themes, contents, and economist that the author analyzes throughout the chapters of his book: The first economic ideas, Classical political economy, The economic ideas of Marxism, The marginalist Revolution. Supports and Critics, Keynes and the economy of the late twentieth century and finally presented in the last part Women and the Economy and an analysis of the main contributions made by latin american economists. In each chapter a brief summary is made with comments on aspects of the topics and economists considered by the author. Also, some chapters are complemented with contributions of other economists to the mainstream of economic thought.

As this is an invited article, it has not been subjected to the usual external peer review procedure.


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Blanco Alfredo Felix (2021). Las ideas de los grandes economistas, Breve Historia del pensamiento Económico, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Joseph A. Schumpeter (1972). History of Economic Analysis, Edited from manuscript of Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter. George Allen and Unwin Ltd.

Ben B. Seligman (1967). Principales corrientes de la ciencia económica moderna (El pensamiento económico después de 1870). Colección “libros de economía Oikos” primera edición en español.




How to Cite

Comments on the book by Alfredo Félix Blanco “Las ideas de los grandes economistas. Breve historia del pensamiento económico” . (2021). Actualidad Económica, 31(105), 7-21.