Role of Local University Network Knowledge Management and Innovation in local development


  • Alexander Báez-Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad Nacional de Ecuador
  • Carlos Alberto Hernández-Medina Centro Universitario Municipal Camajuaní. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Magdalys A. Carrasco-Fuentes Centro Universitario Municipal Camajuaní. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas


University Knowledge Management, networks, local development, tacit knowledge


The concept of Local Network of University Management of Knowledge and Innovation (GUCID) is presented as the basis of a Local Innovation System. The function of the Municipal University Center in the Network is to coordinate technological innovation as the pivot that connects the knowledge produced in the University Network with local needs to solve their productive and service problems. Popular Education principles are used for science that solves problems in Agricultural Enterprises. The innovation, promoted the students in their role of “itinerant teachers”, achieved the introduction of the scientific results that ensure the solution of the problems derived from the Agricultural Units.


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How to Cite

Role of Local University Network Knowledge Management and Innovation in local development. (2018). Actualidad Económica, 28(95), 3-13.