Where are we and where are we going? Analysis of the weaknesses of the Argentine pension system from an international comparison. Towards greater efficiency in spending on social security
pension system, pension coverage, Argentina, international comparisonAbstract
In recent years, various phenomena such as aging population, international economic crisis and changes in the conception of the role of the state have forced countries to reconsider the role of social security in general. The Argentine case is not the exception. In the last decade years our pension system has experienced a lot of reforms. This working paper will try, as main objective, to provide an overview of the current situation of Argentine´s pension system and analyze its performance in the medium term, from a perspective of international comparison, analyzing how was, in other countries the resolution of the problems that we will have inexorably to face in the next years, such as loss of the demographic dividend and the increasing deterioration of ANSES´s fiscal accounts.
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