Macroeconomic stability, consolidated public social spending and its effects on poverty in 2015


  • Leandro Marcarián Departamento de Estudios Economicos, DG Estadisticas y Censos - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


Public Expenditure, Equilibrium, Poverty, Economic Performance Index


This paper studies the evolution of the poverty rate in relation to two macroeconomic performance indexes. A first simple index of four variables, called EPI, and another more complex called MRE, composed by the simple average of three sub-indexes, a monetary, a real-fiscal and one that measures the evolution of the external sector. It works under the assumption that the public social expenditure consolidated as a percentage from the GDP has a positive effect on reducing poverty, while macroeconomic instability, measured as a deterioration of the indexes has a negative effect, and the aim is to determine which one of the two dominates. It concludes that the negative effect of macroeconomic instability dominates over the positive effect of the public social expenditure consolidates in 76% of the cases when EPI is used, and a 65% when MRE is used. In turn the chances of success of the indexes, success being understood as the probability that the poverty rate moves in the opposite direction to the indexes, resulted in 74% for the EPI and 68% for the MRE.


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How to Cite

Macroeconomic stability, consolidated public social spending and its effects on poverty in 2015. (2015). Actualidad Económica, 25(87), 9-35.