Monetary Essays for Open Economies: The Argentine Case


  • Javier G. Milei Fundación Acordar
  • Diego Giacomini Economía & Regiones


Monetary economy, Monetary policy, exchange rate, inflation


This paper presents a series of seven essays and three appendices that deal with the exchange rate debate that has taken place in the last three years in the Argentine economy, in which together with a group of colleagues we have taken a position that Implies an absolutely opposite view with which they have been studying these subjects in the last 40 years. The divergence has much of its origin in a huge set of fallacies emerging from John Maynard Keynes’s “General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money” published in 1936, whose bad influences extend to this day and that , Along with local structuralism, have caused so much damage to the economy of the country and its inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Milei, J. G., & Giacomini, D. (2017). Monetary Essays for Open Economies: The Argentine Case. Actualidad Económica, 27(91), 5–24. Retrieved from