Histology and embryology teaching virtualization during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Javier Fernández et al.


Pandemics; Education; Health Sciences; Dentistry




Introduction: The Covid-19 disease is a globally spreading pandemic with serious consequences. The Universidad Nacional de Córdoba like all universities of Argentina ordered the suspension of face-to-face education and developed a teaching-learning process focused on a virtual environment that would allow compliance with mandatory isolation and at the same time continue with the dictation of the contents in their schools. Objective: The aim of this work was to obtain and analyze information regarding the conditions of technological access and e-competences with which the students developed the virtual activities for morphological sciences learning in the current context of covid-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study of the data obtained of anonymous and voluntary survey among students course of Histology and Embryology A was carried out. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Results: 95.7% of the students had the necessary technological devices and 49.3% considered themselves digitally proficient and 37.9% beginners. Only 26.4% of the students required help for the use of technology. Conclusion: The analysis of successes and difficulties with which we go through the teaching of morphological sciences in pandemic will allow creating a reflection space for us to be better prepared for the challenges of a post-pandemic education and promoting new teaching-learning forms that combine and integrate elements of the face-to-face class and virtual learning thus contributing to improving the future health professional’s university education.


Key words: Pandemics; Education; Health Sciences; Dentistry






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