La anestesia general y el odontopediatra


  • Perla K. de Hidalgo
  • Juan Carlos Bianco
  • Gladys I. Evjanian


Anesthesia, Dental, Dentists


1- General Anaesthesia should be administrated in an adequate medium conveniently arranged in an operating room, or places provided with a complete set of checking and reviving elements

2.- The pediatrist will always evaluate the operating risk, and the possibility oí applyying it.

3- It should be administrated by able staff: an anaesthesist with pediatric training.

4- Parents should be warned about possible complications and their written cosent for its use must be obteined.

5- The odontologist must be familiar with the hospital procedure.

6- As the operation must take place within a fairly short time (never beyond two hours) the odontologist must be efficient and systematic.

7- The odontologist will be responsible for prescribing adequatly the fore and after care, upon operating the child.

8- The evaluation of the treatement applied, after a period of time (several hours later) will enable the odontologist to discharge the patient, keeping record of the same, in the corresponding hospital Medical card.

9- The data compiled by the professorship at Cordoba's National University (U.N.C.) Odontopediatric College, show that General Anaesthesia is the exception, which adequatly applied, allowes for satisfactory results.




