The visible faces of a market

day and night at the mercado norte



Urban Transformations, Strategic Embellishment, City and Communication


This article seeks to find clues about how to inhabit the city in the representations created on and about the Mercado Norte, and to that end, we depart from a final degree project and some afterwards conclusions about the diverse experiences centered in a historic center from Córdoba City: The Mercado Norte.

This market was founded in a context of great transformation for the Latinamerican cities, at the beginning of the 20th century, under the great wave of progress. Nowadays, the market constitutes a highlight in the city weft, it is the center of one of the “Great Squares”, and is a space that concentrates diverse commercial, social and cultural activities.

This article suggests a new overview of this space in terms of the dynamics of the experiences given there, and to reflect about what notions and ideas drive the urban transformations and experiences of this area, without losing sight - or maybe establishing it as a point for comparison - of those notions and consensus that in the name of progress drove its creation.

To that end, from a materialistic and critical perspective, news published about this space will be analyzed as well as a photographic register, to try to convey the notions of “revaluation” that motivate and drive these transformations.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Narvaja, M. (2022). The visible faces of a market: day and night at the mercado norte. Vivienda Y Ciudad, (9), 104–122. Retrieved from


