Interaction in the digitized home



domestic interaction, digital space, digitized home, spatiality


Social interaction has been significantly transformed by the omnipresence of portable devices at home connected to the network. Digital platforms are part of domestic life, they practically encompass the complete spectrum of human activity. The changes and permanences in the ways people inhabit account for the phenomenon of digitalization and the implications that the forms of communication imposed on people in the information age have. This work explores the production and reproduction of new interaction patterns and ways of inhabiting from the private scale, under an intergenerational multiplicity of family conformations (singles, full nest, empty nest and single mothers/fathers) who are in the three stages of the life cycle. The new uses and spatiotemporal organizations in the digitalized home are redefining the dimensions of corporeality and contiguity, both constitutive qualities for the care of the self and human existence. As a result, the alterations in proximity and isolation between human beings, as a product of digitalization, exhibit a domesticity subject to the uncritical ciberphysical interaction of inhabiting in the third decade of the 21st century.


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