Violence against women and housing emergency in times of pandemic.



Violence against women, right to adequate housing, women and pandemic


This article aims to lay some bases for reflection and discussion of possible strategies and mechanisms within housing management to guarantee women a life free of violence, understanding that rights are interdependent and that the right to adequate housing is constituted in the catalyst for the fulfillment of other rights, knowing that violence takes place in a physical place whose conditions, as well as its relational nature with social, cultural and economic factors, contribute to the generation or reduction of violence and that these conditions have still been made more precarious in the context of the health crisis.

Public policy must be sensitive to this reality, to the differentiated impacts that are generated on Bolivian women around the housing problem and its link with the generation of violence, even more so in the context of the health emergency and the new normality that it cannot only be addressed from sectoral positions.


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How to Cite

Violence against women and housing emergency in times of pandemic. (2021). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 8, 32-47.