Mass appraisal of urban land value using artificial intelligence. The case of San Francisco city, Córdoba, Argentina.


  • Juan Pablo Carranza
  • Mario Andrés Piumetto Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Centro de Estudios Territoriales
  • Micael Jeremías Salomón Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
  • Federico Monzani Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Instituto de Economía y Finanzas.
  • Marcos Gaspar Montenegro Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Instituto de Economía y Finanzas
  • Mariano Augusto Córdoba Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. CONICET


Land value, Mass appraisal, Machine Learning, Random Forest, Ordinary Kriging


The real estate market plays an important role in the economy and society, therefore, the downgrading of cadastral valuations, particularly urban land, has harmful effects on tax, territorial and housing public policies, property market, as in the stability of the finance system. For this reason, the cadastres face the challenge of developing massive valuations of a jurisdiction in order to provide updated and quality data, quickly and efficiently. Given the technological advance, the generation of large volumes of information and the progress associated with computer science, the ideas of massive appraisal of real estate by the catastres is increasingly taking hold. Under these needs and new situation, the results reflects the advantage of the predictive capacity in estimating the value of urban land by applying an algorithmic technique of machine learning, known as Random Forest, in combination with a geo-statistical technique called Ordinary Kriging for the treatment of error.

Author Biography

  • Juan Pablo Carranza

    Magister en Políticas Públicas. Lic. en economía. Universidad Siglo 21. Secretaría de Investigación.


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How to Cite

Mass appraisal of urban land value using artificial intelligence. The case of San Francisco city, Córdoba, Argentina. (2019). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 6, 90-112.

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