
  • María Livia Livia Acosta Enfermera operativa en el Instituto de Cardiología de Corrientes.
  • Claudia Valenzuela Enfermera operativa en el Hospital Ángela I. de Llano. Corrientes.
  • Lucia Inés Sánchez



Maternity, postpartum, Self care, level of information


Complications during the postpartum period are a relevant topic, they are usually associated with the limited knowledge women have about postpartum self care. A study was performed on experienced postpartum women, to identify which aspects regarding care they are aware of and which they are not. Objectives. To determine the level of information regarding postpartum self care of mothers entered in the maternity area “Maria de la Dulce Espera” at Hospital Angela Iglesiain Llano, Corrientes Capital, during September 2017. Material and Methods. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was performed. Convenience non-probability sampling. The sample was made up of 50 postpartum women who had vaginal delivery and previous experience and decided to answer a survey. Results: Average age, 29; regarding marital status, 46% cohabit , 40% are single, and the other 14% are married or divorced. As regards education, 36% completed primary school; 28% completed high school and 22% have not completed high school. Almost all the mothers are housewives, 86%. The studied population has a “Good” level of information on postpartum care regarding eating (62%), general hygiene (84%), breast care (80%), episiotomy aftercare (94%), physical activity (80%), sexual activity (92%) and recognition of warning signs (82%). “Regular” knowledge is observed in variables regarding eating (14%), breast care (20%), physical activity (18%) and general hygiene (16%). “Bad” level of information is found in 6% regarding recognition of postpartum warning signs. Conclusion: Objectives were fulfilled. From analyzing the aspects of the variable “level of information regarding postpartum self care”, the level “Good” prevails in each. It is important to continue the instruction in the postpartum stage, emphasizing the role of nurses as educators. We recommend the appreciation of self care practices in  postpartum, stressing the idea of improving the regular and bad information mothers have. Mothers’ good understanding will ensure healthy postpartum.


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How to Cite

Acosta MLL, Valenzuela C, Sánchez LI. INFORMATION LEVEL REGARDING POSTPARTUM SELFCARE. MATERNITY AREA, HOSPITAL LLANO, CORRIENTES CAPITAL, YEAR 2017. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];22(2):22-8. Available from:



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