QI GONG: MIND BODY TECHNIQUE FOR HEALTH PROMOTION. Experience at Hospital San Martin, La Plata. Argentina. Period 2014- 2017


  • Graciela Castellano Bentancur Facultad de Medicina .UdelaR. -uruguay
  • Ercilia Olivera Facultad de Ciencias Económicas-UNLP




Psychosocial stress, chronic pain, life quality, Qi Gong


Objective: To analyze the perceptions regarding the use of a mind-body technique for health promotion (Qi Gong) at a public hospital in the city of La Plata, Argentina. Material and Methods: Qualitative research was done, based on discourse analysis. In depth interviews were carried out. The program Atlas Ti was used for the analysis. Results: Participants refer benefits of the technique in the physical, emotional and social dimensions. Conclusions: According to the participants› reports, the use of the technique results beneficial. It is necessary to continue exploring the benefits of the technique, using other research designs, to assess its clinical effectiveness.


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Author Biographies

Graciela Castellano Bentancur, Facultad de Medicina .UdelaR. -uruguay

Doctora en Medicina, Epidemióloga, Prof, Adj de Depto, de Medicina Preventiva y Social. Investigadora en salud ambiental y epidemiología clínica.

Ercilia Olivera, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas-UNLP

Prof. Adjunta Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Lic. en Administración


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How to Cite

Bentancur GC, Olivera E. QI GONG: MIND BODY TECHNIQUE FOR HEALTH PROMOTION. Experience at Hospital San Martin, La Plata. Argentina. Period 2014- 2017. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];22(3):29-36. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/20254



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