
  • Javiera Fanta Garrido Grupo desigualdad y movilidad social, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani/CONICET




Family planning, unmet need, fertility, contraceptive use.


Abstract Since the 1960s, fertility levels dropped sharply in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). While the classical demographic transition theory attributes this decline to economic development, the downward trends in the region are better explained by the increasing use of birth control technologies. The aim of this research is to examine changes of unmet need for family planning in eight countries of LAC and determine to what extent variations in unmet need have contributed to achieve lower fertility levels from 1990 to the present. Data was derived from Demographic and Health Surveys and Reproductive Health Surveys nationally representative. Based on the revised definition of unmet need used to monitor the MDG5, this article presents a descriptive analysis of changes in unmet need in each country and analyses the relationship between fertility decline and unmet need through regression analysis. Results show that all countries record decreasing percentages of unmet need over time and that fertility decline is positively associated with unmet need.


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Author Biography

Javiera Fanta Garrido, Grupo desigualdad y movilidad social, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani/CONICET

Psicóloga y doctoranda en Demografía (UNC). Egresada de Maestría en Políticas de Migraciones (UBA) y Especialización en Derechos Humanos, Migración y Asilo (UNLA). Ha trabajado como coordinadora de proyectos en el ámbito de la sociedad civil con población migrante. Actualmente es becaria doctoral de CONICET e investiga las desigualdades reproductivas de migrantes limítrofes en Argentina. Otros temas de investigación son salud e interculturalidad, fecundidad adolescente y Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos.


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How to Cite

Fanta Garrido J. FERTILITY DECLINE AND CHANGES IN UNMET NEED FOR FAMILY PLANNING IN COUNTRIES OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];21(2):54-66. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/16848



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