Drugs and medical products stock determination for initial treatment in disaster situations using delphi technique in a hospital in the interior of the province of Cordoba (Argentina)


  • M. López Hospital Dr. Arturo U. Illia. Córdoba. Alta Gracia. Argentina.
  • A. Descalzo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Química.
  • R. Salcedo Hospital Dr. Arturo U. Illia. Córdoba. Alta Gracia. Argentina.




Delphi Technique, consensus, hospital equipment and supplies, disasters, casualtie


Abstract: The objective of this work was to determine the stock of drugs and medical products for the initial treatment of mass casualties at a hospital in the province of Córdoba (Argentina). Delphi Technique was used as the consensus method. Thirteen practitioners including physicians and nurses from Dr. Arturo U. Illia Hospital, in the city of Alta Gracia, were requested to participate, coordinated by a pharmacist. Three questionnaires were produced to come to a selection of the necessary products for mass casualty management during a 48- hour period. Two final lists were made with 25 drugs and 25 medical products, respectively. The use of this technique for the above mentioned selection accelerated consensus in decision making regarding the inclusion of the items in question.


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Author Biographies

M. López, Hospital Dr. Arturo U. Illia. Córdoba. Alta Gracia. Argentina.

Farmacéutica-Bioquímica. E-mail: mile33lopez@hotmail.com

A. Descalzo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Química.

Farmacéutica (jubilada) Docente de la Especialización en Farmacia Hospitalaria.

R. Salcedo, Hospital Dr. Arturo U. Illia. Córdoba. Alta Gracia. Argentina.

Doctor en medicina y Cirugía.


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How to Cite

López M, Descalzo A, Salcedo R. Drugs and medical products stock determination for initial treatment in disaster situations using delphi technique in a hospital in the interior of the province of Cordoba (Argentina). Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];18(2):54-60. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/11693



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