Obesity in low socioeconomic strata: a study of the risk factors related to food consumption patterns


  • M. Avila
  • C. Niclis
  • N. Sedlacek
  • D. Sorello
  • L. Aballay
  • M.P. Díaz




obesity, poverty, risk factors, food consumption patterns


In recent decades the frequency of obesity has increased among poor urban segments of the population; the causes and characteristics of this type of obesity differ from those of the type that affects wealthy sectors. This study aimed at the detection of socioeconomic, biological and cultural risk factors related to obesity, through the study of the relationship between obesity and food habits in a sample of 1296 adults belonging to the low socioeconomic stratum, using a transverse casecontrol design.Thestudywascarried out in the city ofCórdoba(Argentina), in2005.Foodconsumption patterns, living habits and nutritional condition of the subjects were assessed using anthropometric measurements and interviews dealing with frequency of food consumption and physical activity. The variables involved were described and associations estimated using multiple logistic regression models. Overweight and obesity showed a predominance of 36% and 23%, respectively. Women were found to register lower values. As to overweight, subjects in the 50-65 age group exhibited a higher risk than those in the 18-34 group; a higher educational level was found to be a preventive factor against obesity. Subjects lacking physical activity exhibited a higher percentage (33%) of overweight risk. In subjects with a high level of energy consumption, obesity risk increased by 64%. Adequate protein consumption diminished overweight risk by 53%. Consumption of dairy products, infusions, non-alcoholic drinks and legumes were found to prevent overweight and obesity. The consumption of meats, eggs, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks fostered overweight, as did cheeses and snacks with obesity.


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Author Biographies

  • M. Avila
    Lic. en Nutrición.
  • C. Niclis
    Lic. en Nutrición, Profesional Adscripta Cátedra Informática Aplicada a la Nutrición, Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC.
  • N. Sedlacek
    Lic. en Nutrición.
  • D. Sorello
    Lic. en Nutrición, Profesional Adscripta Cátedra Técnica Dietoterápica, Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC.
  • L. Aballay
    Lic. en Nutrición JTP Cátedra Estadística y Bioestasdístca dedicación semi-exclusiva, Profesora a cargo Cátedra Informática Aplicada a la Nutrición, Esc. de Nutrición, FCM, UNC.
  • M.P. Díaz
    Lic. en Matemática, Doctora en Estadística, Profesora Adjunta a Cargo Cátedra de Estadística y Bioestadística Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC - Córdoba (Argentina).




Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Obesity in low socioeconomic strata: a study of the risk factors related to food consumption patterns. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(2):34-43. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/7267