
  • Leonardo Aguirre Aranibar Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Psychosocial risk, drivers, general health


Abstract: After signing informed consent, an analytical cross sectional study was carried out in a sample of 302 drivers from a company of passengers transport in Santiago, Chile in order to describe psychosocial and general health characteristics of bus drivers in the city. Ninety eight point three percent were men with average age of 48.6 years old, weight mean 84 kgs and BMI mean of 28.9. From them, 77% said they do not do any type of exercise and according to the psychosocial risk test, more than 50% of the workers is at high risk in 4 out of 5 dimensions. Given the little physical activity they do and the high psychosocial risks they are subject to, there is high risk to develop pathologies that could have a great impact on the drivers´ healt.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo Aguirre Aranibar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Leonardo Aguirre es Psicólogo y realiza un doctorado en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualmente es Jefe de Proyectos de Investigación Aplicada en la Gerencia de Gestión del Conocimiento de Mutual de Seguridad C.Ch.C. Este artículo surge de una investigación mayor financiada por Mutual de Seguridad C.Ch.C


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How to Cite

GENERAL HEALTH AND PSYCHOSOCIAL CONDITIONS IN A SAMPLE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT BUS DRIVERS. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Nov. 19];:28-36. Available from: