Motor incidents in the City of San Luis: epidemiologic approach, period 2007-2009


  • Mariela A. Panero Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Alicia Ruth. Fernández Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Salud Pública y Ambiente



Trauma due to motor incidents, Cranioencephalic trauma, Intensive Care


Abstract: Introduction: Trauma due to motor incidents in San Luis during the period 2007-2009 increased the number of deaths due to this cause. Objective: To analyze the specific causes of morbidity and mortality due to motor incidents (external causes) in the city of San Luis and in the Intensive Care Unit from San Luis Hospital during the period 2007-2009. Material and methods: Observational retrospective study of records of secondary data from the period 2007-2009. An urban area and a sub-urban one were elaborated due to the differences in the production mechanism. The type of accident refers to chapter XX and injury category refers to chapter XIX of ICD-10. Results: Mortality increased gradually in the three years in “urban areas”. The first cause of injury was cranioencephalic trauma (CET) and the motorbike was the main vehicle involved in motor incidents. At the ICU from Hospital San Luis, mortality of 25.81% was registered (41.65% within age range between 25- 44). Hospitalization due to this cause (CET) represented 80.65%, followed by 12% due to multiple traumas. Ninety percent of the patients admitted in the ICU had no social coverage.


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Author Biographies

  • Mariela A. Panero, Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

    Médica Cirujana Especialista en Cirugía Torácica. Hospital San Luis. Dirección: Aguadita del Portezuelo. San Luis. Tel: 0266-154572129. Mail:;

  • Alicia Ruth. Fernández, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Salud Pública y Ambiente

    Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía (FCM).Especialista y Magister en Docencia Universitaria (UTN Regional Córdoba).Investigadora Categorizada (I). Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (UNC) Salud Pública Internacional (OPS-Instituto Lazarte). Mail:;


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How to Cite

Motor incidents in the City of San Luis: epidemiologic approach, period 2007-2009. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];19(1):38-49. Available from: