Mortality levels and social vulnerability in the northwest of Argentina. 2001 – 2010


  • MJ. Andrada Universidad Nacional de la Rioja



Mortality, Vulnerability, Northwest


Abstract In this article we analyze the characteristics of mortality in the provinces of the Northwest of Argentina between 2001- 2010. Besides, we examine the level of vulnerability of the population, and its relationship with mortality according to cause of death, specifically external causes. We will mainly focus on these external causes since they are avoidable and because of the age group they impact on. Reducing them woud mean an improvement in life expectancy. We estimate mortality rates and Lost Life Expectancy -developed by Arriaga (1996) to measure the level and change in mortality- using vital statistics provided by the Bureau of Health Information and Statistics of the Nation (DEIS) and our own estimates of population taken from the population Census 2001 and 2010.


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Author Biography

  • MJ. Andrada, Universidad Nacional de la Rioja

    Doctor en Demografía. Investigador Asistente del CONICET; Profesor Adjunto de la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja. E-mail:


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Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Mortality levels and social vulnerability in the northwest of Argentina. 2001 – 2010. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];18(2):42-53. Available from: