Aspectos psicológicos en niños con labio leporino y/o paladar hendido: un breve Comentario sobre algunos hallazgos relevantes para los equipos de salud


  • Marcos Roberto Tovani-Palone Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.


Palabras clave:

Labio Leporino, Fisura del Paladar, Ajuste Emocional


Cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) are among the most prevalent of all birth defects in human, affecting approximately 1:700 live births(1). The etiology of CL/P is thought to be multifactorial, involving an interaction between genetic and environmental factors (2,3).


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Marcos Roberto Tovani-Palone, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.

    Specialist in health management, MSc, PhD (in degree Department of Pathology and Legal Medicine Ribeirão Preto Medical School, Universityof São Paulo


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2. Tovani-Palone MR, Saldias-Vargas VP. Factores genéticos y fisuras orofaciales no sindrómicas. Rev Fac Med. 2016; 64(2):381-383.

3. Palone MRT, Silva TR, Vargas VPS, Dalben GS. A relação do gene IRF6 com a ocorrência de fissura labiopalatina. RevFacCiêncMéd Sorocaba. 2015;17(2):107-108.

4. Palone MRT, Silva TR, Dalben GS. A Bioengenharia tecidual em favor da reabilitação de indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto).2015;48(2):113-118.

5. Tovani-Palone MR, Beja GBSP, Perez-Faverani L, Ramalho-Ferreira G.Expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente no tratamento reabilitador das fissuras bilaterais completas de lábio e palato: particularidades técnicas.Rev Fac Med. 2017;65(1):157-160.

6. Premkumar S, Roopa@Kunthavai C, Tovani-Palone MR. Clinical Application of Customized PresurgicalNasoalveolarMolding for the Treatment of Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Alveolus: Case Report. Electron J Gen Med. 2018;15(5):em76.

7. Lorot-Marchand A, Guerreschi P, Pellerin P, Martinot V, Gbaguidi CC, Neiva C, et al. Frequency and Socio-Psychological Impact of Taunting in School-Age Patients with Cleft Lip-Palate Surgical Repair. Int J pediatrOtorhinolaryngol. 2015;79(7):1041-104

8. Tovani-Palone MR. Treatment of Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip and/or Palate in Brazil: Existing Consensus and Legislation, Scope of the Unified Health System, Inconsistencies and Future Perspectives. World Health Popul.2018;17(4). doi:10.12927/whp.2018.25443.Epub ahead of print.

9. Feragen KB, Stock NM.When There is More than a Cleft: Psychological Adjustment When a Cleft is Associated

with an Additional Condition.Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2014;51(1):5-14.

10. Feragen KB, Saervold TK, Aukner R, Stock NM. Speech, Language, and Reading in 10-year-olds with Cleft:

Associations with Teasing, Satisfaction with Speech, and Psychological Adjustment. Cleft Palate Craniofac J.

2017; 54(2):153-165.






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Aspectos psicológicos en niños con labio leporino y/o paladar hendido: un breve Comentario sobre algunos hallazgos relevantes para los equipos de salud. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 28];23(3):89-91. Available from: