Surgical treatment technique for inguinal hernias


  • Juan Félix Cafferata Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Surgery, Hernian sac, Hernias, surgical treatment


The reduction of hernias, whatever their location, has been a concern of surgeons since ancient times. The Listerian era marked the beginning of a fundamentally important period in the prognosis of surgical interventions, since up to that time, skillfully performed surgery suffered the greatest failures in the face of infection. From that moment on, efforts to improve techniques, to perfect the reconstruction of the anatomical planes and to avoid recurrences multiplied.


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Author Biography

Juan Félix Cafferata, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Juan Félix Cafferata (Córdoba, February 3, 1877 - Córdoba, May 30, 1957), Argentine politician and physician belonging to the National Democratic Party and identified with the Social-Christian doctrine. He was five times Deputy of the Argentine Nation for Córdoba, president of the National Postal Savings Bank and was decorated by the Catholic Church with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal ("Cross of Honor") together with Arturo Mateo Bas, for his parliamentary work in favor of Catholic social action.


Juan Félix Cafferata ( May 26, 2022). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.




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How to Cite

Cafferata, J. F. (1944). Surgical treatment technique for inguinal hernias. Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(2), 567–586. Retrieved from

