About the seeds of Datura Ferox L., "Chamico" and its alcoholic tincture

(Estudio Farmacéutico)


  • Pedro E. Pasqualis Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


chamico, alcohol tincture, datura ferox, solanaceae


Dr. Pablo Lavezzo, Military Doctor attached to the Chair of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of our School of Medical Sciences, has entrusted me with the preparation of an alcoholic tincture based on the seeds of "chamico", Datura ferox L. Solanacea widely spread in our country, and part of the indigenous therapeutic arsenal, whose curative and toxic properties are known even by those people devoid of any scientific background.

Author Biography

  • Pedro E. Pasqualis, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Former professor of "Pharmaceutical Technique, Ethics and Legislation".


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Reutter L. - "Traité de Matiere Médicale et de Chimie Vegegetale". París 1932.

Sánchez Juan A. - "Investigaciones de Química Funcional Orgánica". Buenos Aires 1937. T II.

Schmidt E. - "Tratado de Química Farmacéutica". T. II.

Seckt Hans. - "Flora Cordobensis" Córdoba 1930.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex. - London.

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How to Cite

About the seeds of Datura Ferox L., "Chamico" and its alcoholic tincture: (Estudio Farmacéutico). (1941). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 28(1/2), 176-211. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/8761

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