Experimental observations on uric acid elimination.


  • Guillermo V. Stuckert Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


uric acid


In this work on uric acid I wanted to contribute to the clarification of some still obscure points of its physiology. Among these, one of the most important is the study of the influence that the amount of water introduced into the organism has on uric excretion.

Author Biography

  • Guillermo V. Stuckert, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Photo reference
    Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Biblioteca Central. (1938). Dr. Guillermo Stuckert : Decano de la Facultad de Medicina de Córdoba [Fotografía]. Colección Biblioteca Central. http://bibliomedicinadigital.fmed.uba.ar/medicina/BIBCENTRAL/imgs/0633.jpg


    Dr. Guillermo V. Stuckert: President of the Provincial Department of Hygiene of Córdoba. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Córdoba.


Bouchard, Lambling. Tratado de Patologia General. Vol III.

Cantani. Patología e terapia del ricambio materiale. Vol. II.

Fauvel. Physiologie de l'acide urique. Paris, 1907.

Kindborg. Teoria y práctica de la medicina interna. Tomo II, 1913.

Magnus Levy. En v. Noorden. Handbuch der Stoffwechselskrankheiten. II Bd.

Minkowski. Ueber die Physiologie und Pathologie d. Harnsaure, 1908.

Primavera. A. L'acido urico. Sua genesi etc. Napoli, 1913.

Zagari é Pace. La genesi dell' acido úrico e della gotta. Napoli, 1897.







How to Cite

Experimental observations on uric acid elimination. (1915). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 2(5), 338-377. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/3361

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