La colesterina en los tejidos del ojos


  • Juan Manuel Albarenque Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




The attention paid by scholars to the role that cholesterin plays in the economy, whether in the normal or pathological state, has given rise to an interesting series of research works with results and conclusions of real importance for the physiologist as well as for the clinician. The exact knowledge of this lipoid, and its diffusion, dates from such a relatively short time that cholesterin could be considered as a "new body" in biological chemistry.

Author Biography

  • Juan Manuel Albarenque, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    He was born in Victoria, Province of Entre Ríos, on July 30, 1875. He studied at the Normal School of Paraná from which he graduated with the title of Professor in 1896.
    He moved to Cordoba in 1897 to enter the Faculty of Medical Sciences. He continued with his love for teaching, as a Professor and then Director of the Night School for Boys. He never abandoned his passion for teaching and even after retiring from medicine, he taught Science and Literature at the Liceo de Señoritas and Anatomy and Physiology at the Colegio de Nuestra Sra. del Huerto.
    He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1903, with the best average of his class and obtained his Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery in May 1903, with the thesis entitled: "Fugas".
    He was Technical Assistant and Second Head of Laboratory, in the Chair of Physiology. Substitute Professor from 1908 to 1918 and Full Professor of the Chair of Ophthalmology, to which he devoted his best efforts, standing out as a great Master of the specialty.
    Director of the San Roque Hospital; Director of the Municipal Public Assistance. Acting Director of the Provincial Council of Education and General Director of Schools of Córdoba.
    He had an outstanding academic performance: Vice Rector of the UNC, in 1929. Dean of the FCM in 1931-1932. Member of the HCD from 1932 to 1935. During his deanship, the Maternity Institute was inaugurated, today the University Hospital of Maternity and Neonatology, the 2nd Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.
    He was a founding member of the Medical Circle of Córdoba and its President on two occasions, 1911-1912 and 1922-1923. In 1939, he was appointed Honorary Member.
    In his last years he retired to his country house in Las Bajadas (Calamuchita), that is why the Escuela Superior de Las Bajadas is named after him. He died in Córdoba, on November 28, 1956, surrounded by the affection of his family, friends and colleagues.


    Historia médica Cordobesa y otros Pensamientos. (6 de junio de 2015). Dr. Juan Manuel Albarenque - Biografia.







How to Cite

La colesterina en los tejidos del ojos. (1915). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 2(5), 243-251.