The "City of the Ship" in Tucumán. Second part

Historical-geographical discussion. (chapter of a book in preparation)


  • Pablo José Segundo Cabrera Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Barco city, Tucumán, disquisition


What was the seat of the primitive city of El Barco has been the object of painstaking research, but without positive results, unfortunately, no matter how many first-rate historiographers have approached the subject. The piece of land on which Núñez de Prado first built his portable city remains to this day a real terra incognita. The few lines that Lozano dedicated to this question, indicating as the cradle of the Barco of 1550, the banks of the Escava, "in a place four leagues away from where years later the city of San Miguel de Tucumán was founded", and reciprocally those others in which he asserts that the second of these capitals was raised in a distant place" only forty leagues, from where the first was founded, have lent themselves to confusion, and perhaps it is in them, in great part, the difficulty.

Author Biography

  • Pablo José Segundo Cabrera, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Monsignor Pablo Cabrera -1857-1936- was a priest-historian who had great influence in the studies on the colonial past in Argentina -especially in the region of Córdoba- and who was considered a relevant intellectual in his time. His affiliation with the Catholic Church-he was ordained as a priest at the Seminario Conciliar de Loreto de Córdoba in 1883- gave his studies a religious vindictive tinge. The most striking thing about Cabrera was his ability to combine his religious aspect with his participation in the public space, his national and even international recognition and his study of the local. Cabrera began to be recognized in the public space from the sacred chair, at the end of the 19th century. However, he soon became interested in historical research. This allowed him to become a renowned intellectual and over the years a group of disciples was formed around him who continued his work from the thematic, theoretical and conceptual, to the methodological; in the Institute of Americanist Studies. For all the above mentioned, this final work will periodize Cabrera's entire trajectory. This periodization is subdivided into four stages: a first one of formation (1857-1883), a second one on his social action (1883-1908), a third one on his intellectual life (1908-1928) and a last one on his final years (1928-1936). Also included is a brief chapter on the post mortem recognitions of which he was the object.


    Reyna Berrotarán, D. (2016). Monseñor Pablo Cabrera. Un sacerdote-historiador. Sus intervenciones sobre el pasado y su presente (1857-1936) (Trabajo Final de Graduación Escuela de Historia). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba.







How to Cite

The "City of the Ship" in Tucumán. Second part: Historical-geographical discussion. (chapter of a book in preparation). (1914). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 1(5), 137-154.