Hepatic distomatosis and Biliary Lithiasis


  • Vicente J. Bertola Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Choledochus


For the first time we have observed a case in which the hepatic fasciola or distoma was found as if it were a foreign body in the lumen of the common bile duct. The finding was accidental. It was due to the systematic probing or exploration of the common bile duct. In our environment it is observed very sporadically. Exploration of the common bile duct, whether instrumental or by operative cholangiography, will always give us the key to these foreign bodies that obstruct the caliber of the duct or obstruct its lumen.

Author Biography

  • Vicente J. Bertola, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Vicente J. Bertola was born on December 15, 1897 in Los Chañaritos (Province of Córdoba). He attended primary and secondary school at the Colegio de Nuestra Sra. de la Inmaculada, of the Jesuit Fathers, in Santa Fe. He studied at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cordoba, where he received his doctorate in 1921. He joined the Surgery Service of Prof. Dr. Antonio Nores, at the San Roque Hospital, where he served as Chief of Practical Works during the years 1928, 1932 and 1933 Chief of Practical Works in the Chairs of Descriptive Anatomy and Operative Medicine. In charge of the Descriptive Anatomy course in 1933 and 1934. His work on "Surgical Anatomy of the Facial Nerve", presented in 1941 at the Argentine Academy of Surgery, in Buenos Aires, was awarded with the First Prize.
    Prize, filling the Master and his disciples with satisfaction. One of them, Prof. Mario Victor Menso, later recalled: "We performed 36 (thirty-six) facial dissections, each one with its particular characteristics, which is why no two physiognomies are the same, in terms of mimicry, expression or mood". In the Faculty of Medical Sciences, he distinguished himself as a member of the Board of Directors since 1936 and then in his work as Vice Dean, in the period 1940-1943.
    He died at the age of 52 on March 29, 1950. The best description of his life belongs to Prof. Mario Victor Menso who says: "Bertola was a true Master. His students, disciples and patients were the reason for his vocation and he worked tirelessly for them, both as a doctor and as a teacher, using the energy of his own conviction. He was a propellant of the progress of Science and the Medical Art." "Bertola, had a moral, intellectual and spiritual formation of deep Christian and human convictions, which allowed him to lavish himself with sapience and kindness. He died as a true Franciscan and for that reason his final garb was the habit of the Order".


    Surgical Association of Córdoba (2017). Prof. Dr. Vicente Bértola. https://cirugiacordoba.com.ar/institucional/historia/semblanzas.html?start=5







How to Cite

Hepatic distomatosis and Biliary Lithiasis. (1944). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(4), 1325-1329. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/10909