Rules of procedure for collective and individual labor disputes in the Province of Cordoba


  • Luis Alberto Despontín Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Labor Lawyer, Labor Code, Consul, collective conflicts


I.- Approach.

II. - Collective Disputes: I. - Conciliation and arbitration tribunals. 1 °- Compulsory conciliation. 2°. Optional arbitration.

III.- Individual Disputes: I. -Administrative procedure. 1. Advisory and General Information Commission. 2°. Legal Office.

IV.-Norms of the new Code of Civil Procedures of Córdoba. a) Informative principles: 1". Proceedings conducted by the Court itself. 2°. Orality and conciliation. 3°. Predominance of the social interest over the private interest. 4°. Less onerousness. 5°. ' Empire of the free convictions. 6º. Predominance of the truth in the process. 7º. Control of judges and officials. b) Category of trials and Courts: 1. summary trial; 2. procedure; 3. summary trial; 4. procedure; 5. ordinary trial. 5) Ordinary trial.

V.- Oral proceedings: (1) Various trials; (2) Special case of accidents. -Special case of industrial accident. -3. postponement of the judgment. -4°. Procedure in criminal proceedings.

VI.- Appeals: 1°. Cassation. -Unconstitutionality. -3. Revision.

VII.-Compulsory professional association. VIII. -The new Procedural Code and the doctrinarism on labor procedural matters.

Author Biography

  • Luis Alberto Despontín, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Luis Alberto Despontín was an Argentine jurist and labor lawyer who was born on August 9, 1897 in Córdoba, Argentina and died in the same city on November 20, 1972. He studied at the National University of Córdoba where he obtained his law degree on July 28, 1922 and his Doctor of Law degree on November 5, 1930. His doctoral thesis was entitled Liquidación económica de la Guerra (Economic Liquidation of the War). In 1956 he was appointed full professor of Labor and Social Security Law at the School of Law and Social Sciences of the National University of Córdoba and continued until his death. The only public position he held was as Regional Delegate in Córdoba of the Ministry of Labor of the Nation, according to its present name, in the times prior to the creation in this province of the Provincial Department of Labor. He was also Consul of Belgium in Córdoba for almost thirty years, until his death in Córdoba on November 20, 1972. He was married to Catalina Sanz and had one son.


    Luis Alberto Despontín. (May 19, 2021). In Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia.


Juan D. Ramírez Gronda: "Los conflictos del Trabajo". Buenos Aires 1942. Edit. "Ideas".

Luis A. Despontin: ''La Técnica en el Derecho del Trabajo''. Buenos Aires 1942. Edit. "Claridad". B. Aires 1941, pág. 248.

Y. Gutiérrez Gamero: "Legislación Industrial, edición F. Moliner. Madrid 1914. Tomo 2, pág. 281.

Edición Oficial del Código. Córdoba, año 1942, pág. 24.

Revista "La Ley". Buenos Aires, todo 29, pág. 916, año 1943.

Raymundo L. Fernández. -Código de Procedimiento Civil y Comercial. Editorial F. Pereyra e hijos. Buenos Aires, 1932, pág. 15.

Raúl Lazcano Colodrero. -''Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Córdoba". Editorial Jurídica Argentina, B. Aires, año 1943.







How to Cite

Rules of procedure for collective and individual labor disputes in the Province of Cordoba. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(5/6), 529-567.