
  • Florencia M. Beltramino Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
  • María Sol Lizarraga Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • María Soledad Lódolo Universidad Nacional del Litoral


online machine translation, English for Specific Purposes, digital tools, teachers resistance


English for Specific Purposes (ESP) focused on reading comprehension has been the L2 teaching approach chosen by the Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences of Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. In recent years, technological tools such as online machine translators have had a considerable impact on this approach but their use in the classroom continues to be resisted by teachers in general. As professionals in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching, we propose in this paper to reflect on this reality that has challenged us and, on the need to adapt our teaching practice to the current use our students make of online machine translators.


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Dossier: Las lenguas extranjeras en el nivel superior argentino. Recorridos, logros y desafíos