English as the Dominant Language for Academic Communication: Conflicting Representations and Ideologies of Argentine Junior Researchers


  • Viviana A. Innocentini Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


representations, ideologies, scientific communication, English, junior researchers


The supremacy of English as the language of scientific communication brings into play two central aspects of communication. On the one hand, it is an opportunity for writers from peripheral contexts to participate in an international discourse community, make their research visible globally and gain greater prestige and recognition. On the other hand, however, it represents an enormous challenge and highlights the existence of asymmetric conditions for knowledge production and dissemination between those who belong to central, hegemonic spheres of the Anglophone discourse community and those who struggle to participate from the periphery. With a qualitative approach, I will explore the representations of novel Argentinian writers about publishing research in English, addressing both linguistic and ideological issues.


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Dossier: Situaciones singulares o poco tratadas con relación a las lenguas de inmigración o extranjeras