The Yiddish language in the city of Buenos Aires: speakers, possible speakers and post-speakers


  • Gabriela Scherlis Conicet - Universidad de Buenos Aires


In this article, we explore which expressions of Yiddish are remembered by the generation born in 1970 and 1980, children and grandchildren of Yiddish speakers. We make comparison with the generation born in 1940 and we use the framework proposed by Georg Kremnitz, who returns to Robert Lafont’s classification, 1971 (in Kremnitz, 2021: 50) and proposes a typology of 5 categories, which establishes a scale at whose extremes are 1. Full-time speakers and 5. Non-speakers. Thus, we approach the transmission of the language and the second generations’ of immigrants memory of Yiddish to understand which expressions were transmitted and remembered by subsequent generations. 


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Dossier: Situaciones singulares o poco tratadas con relación a las lenguas de inmigración o extranjeras