The Case of Afrikáans in Patagonia: A Glotopolitical Exploration


  • Jonathan Raspa Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N.° 30


Afrikaans, Afrikaners, sociolinguistic representations, glotopolitical actions, Argentinian Patagonia


The Afrikaans language arrives in Argentinian Patagonia with the Afrikaner migrants that come from South Africa in 1902. More than a century later, there are still speakers of the language in Patagonia. The present article purports to explore the conservation of Afrikaans and the glottopolitical initiatives introduced regarding its conservation or its prohibition. From the collected data, it is possible to infer that the Afrikaners succeeded in maintaining their language to a great extent throughout time. This seems to stem from the migrants’ glottopolitical actions —which in turn derive from their positive sociolinguistic representations of the language—, the geographical isolation of their communities, and the Argentinian political project that facilitated their settlement without linguistic prohibitions.


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Dossier: Situaciones singulares o poco tratadas con relación a las lenguas de inmigración o extranjeras