La Pedología: Historia, conceptos y su relación con la Geología


  • Gabriela A. Sacchi Departamento de Geología Aplicada. FCEFyN, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Graciela L. Argüello Ex docente e investigadora. FCEFyN, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina


Soils, Pedology, Soil-forming factors, Geology.


The aims of this work are to summarize the development of Pedology as a science along time, and to deepen the knowledge of its connection to Geology. Consequently, different approaches are present in the definition of the soil system and the disciplines of Pedology and Soil Science, and their evolution through time and space. Pedology consists of an accepted body of laws and theories that cover a range of relates ideas and concepts to the definition of soil. When considering soils as natural bodies of the most external part of the earth's crust, within the Earth system, constituted by horizons and/or layers that differ from the original material due to the action of the soil-forming factors, it is possible to understand the link between Pedology and Geology. The relations between both disciplines are included in the study of parental material, landscape and climate.


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Author Biography

  • Graciela L. Argüello, Ex docente e investigadora. FCEFyN, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina

    The aims of this work are to summarize the development of Pedology as a science along time, and to deepen the knowledge of its connection to Geology. Consequently, different approaches are present in the definition of the soil system and the disciplines of Pedology and Soil Science, and their evolution through time and space. Pedology consists of an accepted body of laws and theories that cover a range of relates ideas and concepts to the definition of soil. When considering soils as natural bodies of the most external part of the earth's crust, within the Earth system, constituted by horizons and/or layers that differ from the original material due to the action of the soil-forming factors, it is possible to understand the link between Pedology and Geology. The relations between both disciplines are included in the study of parental material, landscape and climate.


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Ciencias Naturales

How to Cite

La Pedología: Historia, conceptos y su relación con la Geología. (2020). Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 7(1), 133-136.