Estudio de utilización de misoprostol en interrupción voluntaria del embarazo: análisis del consumo y perfil de usuarias en el Hospital Pasteur de Villa María
Ley N°27610, Misoprostol, IVE, Estudio de utilización de medicamentosAbstract
In Argentina, Law No. 27610 establishes that induced abortion is legal and free, in previously authorized cases or when pregnancy does not exceed fourteen weeks, inclusive. The recognized medicine to practice the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP) is misoprostol 200 mcg.
To carry out a study on the use of medications at the Hospital Pasteur de Villa María (HPVM). To analyze the consumption of misoprostol in two stages, before and after the sanction of the law. To describe the user profile for IVE, identifying social and demographic characteristics of pregnant women and of the medical procedure.
For the study of misoprostol 200 mcg consumption, information was obtained from the expense reports of the computer system in two periods, before (March to December 2020) and after (March to December 2021) the sanction of the law. It was then expressed using the number of daily doses defined per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDH). The profile of the users was evaluated by conducting an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection from March to December 2021. The qualitative parameters were described using absolute and relative frequencies and circular graphs. The quantitative ones with descriptive statistics and bar graphs.
There was a more than 3-fold increase in the amount of misoprostol dispensed after the regulatory change (DHD=0.0103 vs 0.0339). As for the users, the average age was 26.4 years, the predominant educational level was complete primary and the majority of Villa María did not have social coverage. 50% used some contraceptive method before the procedure. The sublingual route of administration was the most indicated and in 85% the treatment was outpatient. The main complications were: genitorrhagia (35%) and missed or incomplete abortion (38%).
This is a controversial socio-scientific topic, with diverse discussions and arguments. This study is the first on the use of misoprostol in the HPVM, evaluating the difference in consumption before and after the law and the profile of the users for IVE. This analysis will contribute to designing and implementing strategies that improve the quality of care and health of the population. Finally, with the data obtained after completing the study, the pharmacy service proposed new objectives and projections that will favor the rational use of this medication. Keywords Law No. 27610, misoprostol, IVE, medication utilization study.
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