Influence of anthropic activity on the morphodynamics of the Quinto river in Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina




multitemporal analysis, morphodynamics, Quinto River


The cities in their growth cause changes by expanding, altering the relief in search of improving living conditions. Thus, they modify natural processes of the physical environment, as has happened in the section of the Quinto River located at the south of the of Villa Mercedes city. The area is characterized by reliefs of Quaternary age. Wind action is the main process involved in the modeling of geoforms in the plain areas surrounding the river valley, with subordinate fluvial participation. The section under study presents a strong anthropic pressure that affects the morphology and dynamics of its channel.

The morphodynamic variations of the channel and its possible causes were analyzed based on the multi-temporal analysis carried out for the period 1975-2020, using aerial photographs, Google Earth© satellite images and field reconnaissance. As a main result of the work, the following changes have been recognized: increase in the sinuosity of the channel, rectification of sections and modification of the banks of the channel associated in part with the construction of a retaining wall against floods. Other interventions were also detected, such as extraction of aggregates, the consolidation of a large island, the silting of the Villa Mercedes lake, undermining of the fluvial margins and the armoring of the fluvial bed.


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How to Cite

Dueñas, D., Sosa, G. del R., & Ojeda, G. E. (2023). Influence of anthropic activity on the morphodynamics of the Quinto river in Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina. Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, (50), e001.



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